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Due to their low specific gravity and design
freedom, LFRTP materials have found applications
replacing metals. These applications have been
popular predominantly in Europe North America
in automotive applications. However, with the
rapidly changing market dynamics, LFRTP
materials are being considered in more non
automotive applications too.
[This article was possible with contributions from
Mr. Durgesh Bakshi, Sr. Manager Technology
Development and Services, STEER Consultancy
Services, Bangalore.]
1. O.Geiger, R. Brüssel; Tailored LFT's developed for series production-
Results of the "SMART PART" R&D project; AVK-TV Tagung Paper A 9;
Baden-Baden; 2003.
2. Durgesh Bakshi; Evaluation of Potential of using Long Fibre Thermoplastics
as a material for an Automobile Rear Bumper Beam; Master Thesis Applied
Polymer Science, Martin Luther Universität Halle Wittenberg and
Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal Berghausen; 2006.